Acts and the Covenantal Metanarrative

With the story of Acts in mind, we can consider the nature and purpose of the Christian community - the church, even as it continues today.

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

wright-quote.png Looking at the opening verses of the book of Acts, N. T. Wright considers the nature and purpose of the Christian church.

Seeing the World in a New Way

Encountering a fundamental worldview change is perhaps one of the greatest challenges for a human being. As we have seen, it's certainly a challenge for the human beings in the book of Acts, who wrestle with how Jesus fundamentally redefines participation in the kingdom of God. In the audio clip below, former pastor Burt Burelson brings the characters in Acts to life, illuminating the story-changing effects of seeing the kingdom of God in a new way.


Dr. Burt Burelson is currently the Chaplain at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Prior to becoming a university chaplain, Dr. Burelson served as pastor at Dayspring Church in Waco, Texas.

Audio Transcript