Act V: The Fellowship of Christians

In a sense, the present Christian community is part of this final act - the story of the Church. We'll develop this connection a bit further as we transition to the next phase of the course. But here we'll focus in on this final act in the biblical story as an essential foundation for the main interest of our course: living out Christian values in one's community and vocation.

In conjunction with the epistles or letters in the New Testament, the story of the early church is found in the book of Acts. Below is a three-part tour of Acts, which in comparison to previous lessons is developed in greater detail. The three presentations are actually excerpts from a freshmen-level course on the Bible (Exploring the Bible).

Introduction to the Story of Acts

This presentation is 7:35 in length.

To download PowerPoint slides for this presentation, click here.

To watch the presentation in a separate window (with full screen capability) click here.

Part 1: The Earliest Christian Community

This presentation is 17:50 in length.

To download PowerPoint slides for this presentation, click here.

To watch the presentation in a separate window (with full screen capability) click here.

Part 2: Paul and the Expansion of the Church

This presentation is 24:59 in length.

To download PowerPoint slides for this presentation, click here.

To watch the presentation in a separate window (with full screen capability) click here.