Lesson 2
Biblical Metanarrative IV



"I can only answer the question 'What am I to do?' if I can answer the prior question 'Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?"

- Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue 




Act V: The Fellowship of Christians

In a sense, the present Christian community is part of this final act - the story of the Church. We'll develop this connection a bit further as we transition to the next phase of the course. But here we'll focus in on this final act in the biblical story as an essential foundation for the main interest of our course: living out Christian values in one's community and vocation.

In conjunction with the epistles or letters in the New Testament, the story of the early church is found in the book of Acts. Below is a three-part tour of Acts, which in comparison to previous lessons is developed in greater detail. The three presentations are actually excerpts from a freshmen-level course on the Bible (Exploring the Bible).

Introduction to the Story of Acts

This presentation is 7:35 in length.

To download PowerPoint slides for this presentation, click here.

To watch the presentation in a separate window (with full screen capability) click here.

Part 1: The Earliest Christian Community

This presentation is 17:50 in length.

To download PowerPoint slides for this presentation, click here.

To watch the presentation in a separate window (with full screen capability) click here.

Part 2: Paul and the Expansion of the Church

This presentation is 24:59 in length.

To download PowerPoint slides for this presentation, click here.

To watch the presentation in a separate window (with full screen capability) click here.

Acts and the Covenantal Metanarrative

With the story of Acts in mind, we can consider the nature and purpose of the Christian community - the church, even as it continues today.

On Earth as It Is in Heaven

wright-quote.png Looking at the opening verses of the book of Acts, N. T. Wright considers the nature and purpose of the Christian church.

Seeing the World in a New Way

Encountering a fundamental worldview change is perhaps one of the greatest challenges for a human being. As we have seen, it's certainly a challenge for the human beings in the book of Acts, who wrestle with how Jesus fundamentally redefines participation in the kingdom of God. In the audio clip below, former pastor Burt Burelson brings the characters in Acts to life, illuminating the story-changing effects of seeing the kingdom of God in a new way.


Dr. Burt Burelson is currently the Chaplain at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Prior to becoming a university chaplain, Dr. Burelson served as pastor at Dayspring Church in Waco, Texas.

Audio Transcript

Conclusion: Biblical Faith & Christian Values

This presentation is 8:23 in length.

To download PowerPoint slides for this presentation, click here.

To watch the presentation in a separate window (with full screen capability) click here.


As a worldview or framework for interpreting and living in the world, Christian values are comprised of a covenantal metanarrative, an overarching story of the divine-human relationship.  The biblical story is the foundation and source of this covenantal metanarrative, and the church is the human community in and through which the covenantal metanarrative is expressed.  Located within the church and founded upon the biblical story, the covenantal metanarrative is realized as the kingdom of God in the world, which is God's redeeming presence among the people.



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Resources Used in this Lesson

DeSilva David A. An Introduction to the New Testament. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2004.

Goheen, Michael W. and Craig G. Bartholomew. Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008.

Harris, Stephen L. The New Testament A Student's Introduction. 3d ed. Mountain View: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1999.

Lea, Thomas D. and David Alan Black. The New Testament: Its Background and Message. 2d ed. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2003.

Artwork Included in this Lesson

The Ascension by Rembrandt

Descent of the Holy Spirit by Gustave Doré

St. Peter Preaching by Masolini da Panicale

Pentecost by Joseph Ignaz Mildorfer

The Baptism of Jesus by Paolo Veronese

The Descent of the Holy Spirit by Anthony Van Dyck

Stoning of Stephen by Richard Serrin

Conversion of Saul by Gustave Doré

Conversion of Saul by Michelangelo

Peter Baptizing the Centurion Cornelius by Francesco Trevisani

The Descent of the Holy Spirit by Anthony Van Dyck

St. Paul Preaching to the Thessalonians  by Gustave Doré

Peter and Paul by El Greco

Paul and Barnabas at Lystra by Nicolaes Berchem

The Stoning of Paul and Barnabas at Lystra by Barent Fabritius

Paul in Athens by Raphael

St. Paul Shipwrecked by Gustave Doré

Paul's Shipwreck by Ludolf Backhuysen

Saint Paul in Prison by Rembrandt