
Welcome to Week 5

Any modification to any assignment will be posted in an announcement.

Week 5 Checklist

When you have completed this week's assignments you will have:

  1. participated in threaded discussion
  2. read the assigned reading from The Art of Public Speaking
  3. reviewed lessons 1-2
  4. completed "Body Language" video activity and related document.
  5. participated in Faith Talk for Week 5
  6. submitted outline for informative speech
  7. participated in the Week 5 ClassLive session (delivered informative speech)
  8. completed peer feedback form for informative speech
  9. read and followed instructions for creating persuasive speech
  10. looked ahead for upcoming events
  11. completed Exam 4


To complete the assignments this week, you will need the textbooks shown below.


Required Equipment

In addition to a computer and internet connection, you will need a headset w/ microphone and a webcam for participating in this course. For more information, see the speech tutorial under Week 3.

headset.jpg logitech.jpg

Required Software

You need access to a computer that meets the technical requirements specified in the Technical Requirements located on the login page of eCollege.

Many of the features of eCollege require current versions of free add-on software. Please use this website to make sure you have the latest version of all the required software.

eCollege Support


For technical problems call the eCollege Help Desk at 1-800-882-1806

Assignment 1: Participate in Threaded Discussion

Click on the Discussion link under Week 5 and follow the directions for participating in the discussion.


Assignment 3: Read Assigned Pages from The Art of Public Speaking

art-of-public-speaking.jpg Read the following in The Art of Public Speaking:

A portion of the questions for Exam 4 will come from this reading assignment; taking notes is recommended.


Assignment 3: Review Lessons 1-2

Click on the links for Lessons 1-2 under Week 5 and review the material. This material will be covered in Exam 4 (see below); taking notes is recommended.


Assignment 4: Complete the "Body Language" Document

To complete this assignment, download the "Body Language" document (see below) and follow the instructions.

Very Important - Please Read Carefully:

In order to comlete this assignment, you must first download the document to your computer. Do not attempt to complete this form while it is open within eCollege. To save the document to your computer, click the save button on the next page:


Ok, I understand. Take me to the document.

Assignment 5: Participate in "Faith Talk" for Week 5

Click on the Faith Talk link under Week 5 and follow the instructions.


Assignment 6: Submit Outline for Informative Speech

Before delivering your informative speech in ClassLive, submit your speech outline to the correct eCollege dropbox. For instructions on creating your outline, click on the icon below.


Assignment 7: Participate in the Week 5 ClassLive Session (Informative Speech)

Click on the ClassLive link under Week 5 and follow the instructions for the Week 5 ClassLive session.


Assignment 8: Complete Peer Feedback Form

To complete this assignment, download the "Peer Feedback: Public Speaking" document (see below) and use the form to evaluate the speeches of your fellow classmates delievered in ClassLive.

Very Important - Please Read Carefully:

In order to complete this assignment, you must first download the document to your computer. Do not attempt to complete this form while it is open within eCollege. To save the document to your computer, click the save button on the next page:


Ok, I understand. Take me to the document.

Assignment 9: Read and Follow Instructions for Creating Persuasive Speech

To complete this assignment, download the "Persuasive-Speech" document (see below) and follow the instructions. 

Very Important - Please Read Carefully:

In order to complete this assignment, you must first download the document to your computer. Do not attempt to complete this form while it is open within eCollege. To save the document to your computer, click the save button on the next page:


Ok, I understand. Take me to the document.

Assignment 10: Look Ahead for Upcoming Assignments

Click on the "Looking Ahead" link under Week 5 and make sure you are aware of all non-regular assignments coming up in Weeks 6-8.


Assignment 11: Complete Exam 4

When you have:

  1. read the assigned pages in The Art of Public Speaking
  2. reviewed lessons 1-3

then you can complete Exam 4. To get started, click on "Exam 4" under Week 5. Be sure to read the directions carefully before starting.



check-final.png You've completed Week 5 of Oral Communication!